Megan+Geoff: Aamodt's Family Session

I've started and erased and restarted and erased this post what seems like a million times because I simply don't know how to put into words the awesome that is Megan+Geoff.  Fun. Vibrant. Silly. Loving. The exact type of people I crave as clients. When Megan contacted me to discuss their wedding photography, I knew by her email that I was smitten. When we met for coffee I was done for. I made a complete idiot of myself and kept whispering "Pick Me!" when she would talk about the slew of other photographers they had already interviewed. I am so incredibly honored that she listened to my insanity, and cannot wait for their wedding next fall.  During our conversation (and my incessant rambling) Megan asked if I'd be willing to shoot two engagement sessions; one with Geoff's son Graydon, and a more traditional, couple only session, next Spring. Graydon is a huge part of both Megan and Geoff's life, and I could not imagine not including him in the documentation of their love. Their story. Their together.  So of course I jumped at the chance. We frolicked around Aamodt's Apple Farm in Stillwater for an afternoon, and below are a few favorites from our day: 
Megan, Geoff, (Graydon), I heart you all. f'Real. Thank you for picking me.

Always Love,


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