Breaking the Rules: Katy & Chris Port Aransas Wedding

They met in a bar. Katy was simply looking for an icy beverage, nothing more. Then she saw him...and just had to meet him. Get to know everything about him. At first, Chris turned her down.  He didn't date customers; it was against his rules.  Separate personal and professional, that was Chris' way. But Katy didn't take no for an answer.  And it didn't take long for Chris to realize he was a goner. Smitten. Truly, madly, deeply.  Their friendship blossomed and formed over years. Their families intertwined. And on Saturday, Chris and Katy allowed me the privilege of capturing their simple, elegant, beautiful Port Aransas wedding.
Katy, you are crazy gorgeous. Just sayin....
After some convincing {and good, old-fashioned Starbucks style bribery} Katy and Chris opted for a first look:
They way they look at each can't help but feel it.  
It electrifies the air around them.  
That's the kind of love these two have. It is magnetic.
Katy & Chris, thank you. So, so much.  For sharing your day with me. 
Every beautiful little bit of it. I'm so honored to call you friends.
A special shout-out thanks to Katy's future sister-in-law for snapping a photo of the three of us.
Crazy props to Venetian Hot Plate for the most amazing food
and Tammy at Bundy's for a scrumtpious cake.

Always Love,

Moore, Please

If you know me, you know that I am not above shameless self-promotion.
I am the finest hat-knitter this side of the Mississippi.
I make a mean meat-loaf, too.

I also have no qualms whatsoever about shamelessly promoting a product that I cannot
in any way
imagine my life without.

A couple of years ago, I was scouring the internets for a camera bag that was both form and function.  Style and substance.  I was looking for something that had a certain, je ne sais quois...
I tried Epiphanie, but they just weren'  I tried Etsy, but everything seemed so flimsy.  I almost, I mean put-it-in-the-cart-and-was-three-point-seven-seconds-from-clicking-"place-order" almost bought a Shootsac.  But something in my gut stopped me.  I loved the idea of a lens bag, but I wanted something that would carry my camera, too.  "I need to take more everyday photos" I told myself.  I need a bag that will allow me, ahem force me, to carry my camera everywhere I go.  Without looking like I'm lugging a camera bag around with me.

Enter Kelly Moore.  My savior.  My bag-making bff (who has absolutely zero idea that I actually exist).
The first bag I purchased (after cashing in my birthday, mother's day, and anniversary gifts into one fell swoop) was the Classic:
It fits all my wedding gear perfectly.
In the photo above I have a 60mm Macro, an SB 800 flash, a 70-200 zoom and a spare body..
Two front pockets usually hold my wallet, cell phone, and business cards.
The side pockets are perfect for pens, and Stila lip gloss.
And when I'm not using the Classic as a camera bag,
it nicely doubles as the perfect diaper bag.
Seeing as how I am a glutton in everything. I couldn't have just one.  It came to my attention one day last winter, that I needed something smaller.  Again, I almost bought a shootsac.  But then I saw the Kelly B-Hobo, and it was all over for me.  I had to have it.
Would you just look at it?!?!
It fits all my gear, if I need it to,
including the most important accessory of all
Plenty of Stila lip gloss.
My favorite part about the B-Hobo is that it looks like a purse.  No one knows I'm carrying a camera bag.  The creepy guy at that booth over there has zero clue that I have a D700 strapped to my shoulder.  And that cute-as-a-button infant hasn't the faintest either.

If you are in the market for a new camera bag, go see Kelly.  Please.
You don't even have to tell her I sent you...she has no idea who I am.  But you need to know her.

The same way I need the Juju bag.

So much, it hurts.

So scoot.
Get on over there and scope her out.

Her photography happens to be top notch, too.

Always Love,


If I was a month, I would be September.
If I was a day, I would be Thursday.
If I was a time of day, I would be sunset.
If I was a season, I would be autumn.
If I was a sea creature, I would be a ray.
If I was an emotion, I would be bliss.
If I was a country, I would be Mexico.
If I was an item in a house, I would be a bookcase.
If I was a drink, I would be pinot noir.
If I was a tree, I would be a Japanese Elm.
If I was a flower, I would be hydrangea.
If I was weather, I would be a warm breeze.
If I was a fruit, I would be fresh picked raspberries.
If I was a color, I would be the softest pink.
If I was a dish I would be chipotle pork tenderloin with mango salsa.
If I was a taste I would taste like perfect coffee.
If I was a song I would be Portions for Foxes.
If I was a pair of shoes I would fit perfectly.
If I was a sound I would sound like a summer night.

This post inspired by stolen from Meg Perotti. If you don't already know who she is, go check her out here. She happens to be amazing.  Her photos are fabulous, too. 


Jessica+Matt: Engaged!

They met in Prague: the bar on 6th street in downtown Austin.  Jessica noticed Matt from across the bar, and found a reason to talk to his buddy.  A thinly veiled disguise at her true intention: get Matt alone.  Matt thought she was into his friend, and passed it off.  As the night went on, their chemistry drew them together, and they shared a kiss in the parking lot.  As Jessica drove away, butterflies still in her stomach, she saw Matt walking down the street.  Fate.  Destiny.  Something stronger than her was telling her to roll down her window and get his number.  Two years later Matt proposed.  I'm honored to be photographing their wedding in December. Despite the heat, we had so much fun shooting their engagement session at Jessica's family's land in Driftwood.  

It was three-thousand degrees outside, but I had an amazing time with this couple.  Even though they're 4 feet taller than I am, we made it work.  Jessica, Matt, I think you're both amazing.  Jessica; You're insanely gorgeous. Times infinity.  I'm so lucky to know you both.  Thank you for sharing your love, and your story, with me.

Always Love,