A Comfortable Fit: The {new} Athena Pelton Photography

After days of work and many late nights I am finally ready to reveal what I've been working on.
A official brand for my business. Something unified. Cohesive. Tangible. Real.  I was so sick of people asking, "Do you have a website?" and having to send them to the Wordpress site that didn't really reflect me at all.  In fact, I don't think I would book me based on that site.  So I'd send them to my personal blog, instead, which isn't exactly professional.  


I spent a week putting together client folios that exactly reflect my style, my aesthetic, who I am and who my ideal clients are.  I also spent hours toiling over html code to get this website perfect.  {Almost} perfect, at least.  So the next time I get an email asking about my photography services, I have something to include along with my reply. An example.  A reference.  A tangible representation of me to {literally} bring to the table.

I hope you love the new face of Athena Pelton Photography.
It's still a work in progress, and a year from now, will probably look completely different.  But for right now and at exactly this moment: this fits.


I mean it.
Thank you.
For supporting me. Pushing me. Inspiring me. Challenging me.  I appreciate it more than I can say.



Anda said...

Wow, Athena, I am SO SO happy for you! And excited about all the good things coming your way from this. It looks great, and you are right that it may change down the road -- but it doesn't matter. It fits now. And I bet you feel A LOT better having done this and being here NOW. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the folios. Dang, I would book you on that alone ... though you have so so much more to offer. <3 <3 <3

Rebecca said...

It looks great! I am excited for you! I am glad that you are throwing yourself into this and having fun. :) Now- did you have to rip all of those pages by hand? I feel like that would be hard to do without having it rip wonky. That must have taken forever! Am I going to get something like that for when you take my family photos this summer? haha!

Rebecca said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Time consuming, but well worth every last minute & effort. It's fun to see how much you've grown, and now the final plunge. Yes, it will change (styles change) but for now, beautiful & stunning, you inspire me <3

gladys jem said...

Athena, it looks lovely girl. Awesome for right now :) Way to go for making it happen. It's going to only benefit you from here on out! Yippee! Proud of you! <3

Theisen Trio said...

WOW! So pretty! Congratulations on the leap and best of luck to you although I don't think you need any luck!

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